Daily Notes for 2024-02-01

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Linkding, Newsboat ๐Ÿ”—

I shared my Linkding bookmarking plugin to the Newsboat project. It’s in the contrib directory. It works fine as a standalone tool, too, if you just want to push a bookmark up from the command line. I submitted a PR for the Wallabag version, too.

Collaborative introvert ๐Ÿ”—

Today had some unpleasant aspects to it. I had to do one of those things where you both don’t want to get a lot of practice at it, but feel grateful you’ve had the practice.

I also felt grateful to have partners to work with on the whole thing who were both willing to share ideas and tools, but also let me plot my own course. It felt like the right balance of “not up here completely without a safety net” and “able to follow my instincts.” When things went a little off-road, I felt able to improvise and adjust without looking over my shoulder.

I think I am an okay collaborator, but I know there are times that my internal models take over and it’s hard for me to shake myself out of whatever I had in my head as The Right Thing. My introversion sometimes makes it hard to read the room when I’m going too far that way. When I realize I have, I usually pull back unless I’ve gotten into a headspace where I feel unyielding on the matter. That’s rare. I wish I had a little better sense of how I come off. Even the times I’ve thought I must sound like I’m close to exploding, people say “no, had no idea. Really? You just seemed your normal self.”

I mentioned that to Al this morning, because as I was getting ready to do the unpleasant but needful, she said “you seem pretty calm.” My wrist vibrated and I looked down and it was my blood glucose monitor telling me my blood sugar was spiking. I’ve learned that correlates with stress a lot of the time. I held up my watch and read her the number.

“There’s a lot going on in there,” she said.

There is.